viernes, 24 de abril de 2009

These people make me sick

Wow, these people are absolutely ridiculous. According to many of the leading lights in the GOP, our government would be behaving like a corrupt Latin American dictatorship if we prosecuted Bush administration officials for torture. Ignore the fact that many, if not most, leading Bush administration officials violated American and international law by authorizing torture. If we go down that dangerous path towards prosecuting people who break the law, America will become no better than a Banana Republic. Like I said, wow.

Let's be honest, these remarks reach new levels of Orwellian insanity, even for Karl Rove. Furthermore, it's especially offensive for folks like John McCain, who have long supported sunglasses-wearing dictators and subverted democracy in Latin America, to make statements about the US becoming a "Banana Republic". What's the matter John, strongman rule works for Haiti or Venezuela but not for the USA?

These people make me sick.

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