sábado, 1 de noviembre de 2008

Having some fun with Youtube

I'm a pretty big fan of youtube as I assume nearly all members of my generation are, and the best thing about youtube, I think, is that you can easily stumble upon very interesting political videos. And I'm not just talking about presidential debates and news clips from the mainstream media (which you can find of course) but also really great, independently compiled videos on topics not often discussed in the mainstream press and videos of speeches given by radicals and visionary thinkers. The sorts of things that many people, including myself, would not have access to if it were not for youtube. Plus, they're free!

As a result of youtube I've been able to watch several speeches and interviews by my favorite intellectual, Noam Chomsky. Below I've posted two clips of Noam Chomsky material that I've found over the past two days (the answer is yes, I am that much of a nerd that I do this in my spare time). The first is a speech on globalization and its impact on working people (contains only audio) titled "Class War: The Attack On Working People". The second is a debate on the Israeli occupation of Palestine between Noam Chomsky and Alan Dershowitz. I highly recommend both! Though Dershowitz, whose arguments largely consist of historical distortions, the application of double standards for Palestinian and Israeli behavior, and childish insults of Professor Chomsky, is a bit hard to stomach at times.

"Class War: The Attack On Working People" (1/6)

"Chomsky and Dershowitz Debate Israel and Palestine" (1/14)

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