These people make me sick, too. As Paul Krugman said in his column today, there's no reason to believe our government cannot confront our various crises (healthcare, the economy, and the environment) and investigate and litigate Bush administration war crimes at the same time. Our representatives in the House and Senate, as well as Justice department officials, are big boys and girls. We shouldn't sell them short. Additionally, we are a nation of laws. If Bush administration officials violated American and/or international law, as they clearly did, our system of justice demands they be prosecuted.
Unfortunately, refusal to prosecute the Bushies has nothing to do with concerns about the capacity of our government to multi-task. Any thoroughgoing look into Bush administration crimes will make a lot of people uncomfortable, most especially journalists, democratic politicians and other supposed "progressives," who enabled and/or actively supported the illegal acts of our chief executive. Obama clearly doesn't want to get his hands dirty and many in the Senate likely don't want to revisit their own dispicable behavior. In a nation of laws, these things ought not to matter. On many occasions, enforcement of U.S law frankly ruins people's lives. For instance, when ICE deports undocumented immigrants, they frequently break up families and destroy communities. When local judges enforce mandatory minimums and throw young black men in jail for selling a vile of heroin, they often condmen these men to entire lives in and out of prison. Nonetheless, ICE officials and local judges do it anyway, because it's the law. Such is the justice system for the poor and marginalized in our society: small crimes, often committed out of despair, bring huge punishments. In the Washington bubble, however, the law takes a backseat to the reputations and careers of pompous journalists and hack politicians. By refusing to act, Reid, Obama and company are blatantly violating the law, not to mention areappeasing crimes against humanity.
Mr. President, once again I'm very dissapointed. The ugliness of our nation's elite, and the moral bankruptcy of our supposed "justice" system, are on full display today.
viernes, 24 de abril de 2009
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1 comentario:
Ha! Well said on both accounts Jim. You write well when you're pissed off. If I have one major critique of BO, it's that he doesn't get jazzed up or pissed off enough. It's his strength too, but I'd like to see him get angry over something like torture. Hope you're doing well.
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